van parked on a dirt road with mountains in the background

Why Crazy/Brave?

When we talk about this dream of ours, we largely get two reactions:

1. Veiled horror (Give up a the comforts of a home, community and income? You must by crazy!


2. Vicarious delight (I have always wanted to do that, you are so brave!

Both are equally valid, I think. Dan and I are maybe a little crazy and maybe a little brave. Giving up our house and 25 years worth of stuff to travel around the country in a low top van with no toilet or plumbing may be the best decision we ever made…. or a short lived experiment in roughing it.

Some days, we’ll probably feel a little crazy for doing this, some days we may feel awesomely brave.

Most days will probably be some combination of these, along with a few other things.

Crazy/Brave, joyful, uncomfortable exciting, overwhelming, exhausting adventure, here we come!