Van Life FAQs: When Does it End?

woman standing on the shore of lake erie with a rainbow behind her

A Social Summer

After a whirlwind tour, moochdocking through the Northeast, we attended our son’s college graduation in Toronto and made our way back to our family in Michigan.

Over the last month and half, we’ve been visiting (and visiting and visiting), sleeping in spare rooms and on couches, and driveways.

The van has been more “storage closet” than “adventuremobile”. And it is a serious mess.

Prepping for the Next Leg

We’re taking a few days to prep for the next leg of our crazy brave adventure, sorting out the stuff we collected (too many books, extra clothes, all manner of mementos). We have no room for any of it. And have been jettisoning with gusto, toting bags to the thrift store down and reorganizing what’s left.

Dan and our brother-in-law, Mike, have been building and fixing. We have a new shelf and table now, and a reworked set of bug screens for our windows. And we have a teeny bit of room in the cupboards again. (Woohoo!)

black ford econoline camper van parked under a tree
Our most recent camp spot, in Selkirk Provincial Park in Ontario

Another Frequently Asked Question

While we’re in prepping mode, I thought I’d answer another “Frequently Asked Question“.

We get this one all the time, everyone asking in a slightly different way. “How long is your trip?” “What’s your timeframe?” “When will you settle down?”

Our “shakedown trip”… almost exactly two years ago

In short: When does it end?

Here’s our answer: We’ll stop when we don’t want to do it anymore.

When will that be? Who knows?

Right now, we have little interest in “house life“. We glance at real estate prices in towns we love (Silver City, NM, Mount Shasta, CA, Lander, WY). We imagine what it might be like to live full time in these cool places….

And then we imagine the upkeep and chores and expenses of house living. (We were never very good at those.) We also imagine the easy “house-y” routines that start to feel a little dead after the novelty wears off. And we shrug and move on down the road.

black ford van parked on a city street with a rainbow in the background

House living is convenient and easy. We appreciate it lots after a few months on the road: a shower, a real toilet, a deep sink with unlimited hot water?

AWEsome! But, right now, it is not for us.

Van life with all its Challenges

Yes, inconvenience is our middle name. We have to set up and take down our van systems every time we move: Swivel the passenger seat, set up the solar panels and Jackery, chairs and camp stove, etc. etc.

econoline camper van with awning and rug and camp chairs in a forest in the rain
Did our van explode? No, just our regular set-up

Yes, we have to do the dishes by headlamp.. on a picnic table. Yes, there are bugs, and dirt, heat and rain. The challenges of living in our van are many and they are part of the adventure.

There are still so many places to see!

black econoline van parked in a wide open wester space on a sunny day

2 thoughts on “Van Life FAQs: When Does it End?

  1. There is way too much to see. We have sold our van and are now traveling with backpacks. I’m sure that we will get another van some day. I miss my home, my own bed, my things. I miss all the places that a van can take you!

    1. I’ve been enjoying reading about your new adventures sans van. Very cool (and brave)! Hoping to follow in your footsteps one of these days.

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