Giving Notice: Why I Quit My Job to Live in a Van

April 6th, 2022

This is the day I announced that I was “retiring”. Though retiring is not really the right word. Leaving is more accurate. I have no pension, no definite income. Is it brave to jump into this adventure?

At times it feels more crazy than brave. Today was one of those days. I adore my students. My work is engaging, my colleagues awesome. But I am tired of the intensity of my work week, of having to and having to and having to. And after 30 years of teaching, I am so tired…… 

Also quite ready to try out these dreams I’ve had for so long. I want to watch the sunrise in a hundred different wild places, I want to live in my moment and walk a new trail every day (or most days, anyway). 

I want more time with Dan, exploring this new “empty nest” life together. Time to do some more long hikes, and to travel the US and abroad. Our simple van, without shower or toilet or “real” sink might feel too much like roughing it in 10 years.

We want our “now”, I guess… 

“Retirement” Celebration

And so, notice was given

Now to figure out how to manage the rest: Cleaning out our house, finishing the van build, planning our “shakedown summer” and what we will do after. We have a vague plan for all these things…. Which is par for the course here in crazy/brave land. 

But things will have to start coming into focus; notice has been given 🙂

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