Vandoodle Life: Milo’s Rules for Happy Travel

shaggy black dog on a beach in the rain
Happy dog: Milo on the beach in Oregon, age 14

From Couch Life to Van Life. When we took our senior dog, Milo, on the road with us after almost 13 years of house living, we weren’t sure how he’d adjust. In his old life, Milo could open the screen door on his own (nifty trick, that one) and roam our rural property as he pleased. He spent his days napping on the couch, hunting squirrels and chipmunks, and running the trails in the woods out back with Dan. On the weekends, we sometimes took him hiking. He had never really been on a leash… or in a town. Van life was a big ask.

But old dogs can learn new tricks. It didn’t take long for Milo to adjust. And he is just as happy as ever in his teeny new living space in a great big world. Living in such close quarters with our own resident doodle has taught us a few new tricks too. In observing Milo, we’ve developed a few “Van Doodle Rules for Happy Travel.” We hope they might help you enjoy whatever crazy brave situation you find yourself in. They have certainly done that for us.


Explore wherever you are. Why hurry? Take time to smell the flowers … each and every flower, rock, clump of weeds, and pretty well everything else along the way too. (When Milo does this, we call it “smollygagging”) Sample that stream. Check out that random whatever you passed a mile back. Climb that hill for nothing but a view. Life’s too short for halfway, and time is just a construct.

Shaggy black dog standing in a stream drinking water
Wade right in!

Be Friendly

Always say hello. You never know when you’ll meet a new friend. If someone snaps at you, shrug it off and move on. If they want to play, always say yes. You might be a little tired the next day (old dogs can only take so much fun) but it’ll be worth it.

two dogs looking at each other beside a van in the desert
Another new friend!

Live in the Moment

Now is all we have. Don’t dwell on the sorrows of the past or worry about the future. In fact, don’t expect anything in particular. Throw all that stuff away, and enjoy the moment you’re in. Really enjoy it!

a black dog running along a river bank
This moment right here is all you have: enjoy it!

Don’t Complain

What’s the point of whining? If something bad happens (a bath is the WORST something) just settle in and endure. You might get a treat after it’s over.

Take lots of Naps

When the opportunity arises, settle in for a nice long snooze. Sleep is awesome, whenever and wherever you get it. And after a few Zzs, you’ll be refreshed and ready for your next adventure.

shaggy black dog sleeping on the floor in a laundromat
Bored at the laundromat? Take a nap!

Living the Vandog Life

Milo in 14 now, and he has over a year of van travel under his paws. His vandoodle rules seem to work pretty well for him. And, not surprisingly, they work pretty well for us too. What are your rules for happy travel?

black dog wearing a camo jacket lying on blankets in the back of a van
Cold morning? Stay in bed!

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